Middle School

Middle School

IES Public school is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi (CBSE) and its curriculum is as per CBSE norms. With the noble idea of creating a new generation of educated and committed citizens embracing all castes, creeds and communities, IES Public School, offers a unique way of learning at the very young and tender age. Our teaching is based on the principle that every child is unique and gifted with exceptional capabilities, thereby allowing them the freedom required for discovering themselves.
The Academic club aims to conduct plethora of discussions, quizzes and case studies. It aims to provide a rich, diverse and challenging education, through excellent and innovative teaching and learning. It makes an individual civilized,refined,cultured and educated. The Sports club encourages development of skills and attitudes to promote lifelong learning and enables each child to reach their full potential by fostering self esteem and a sense of achievement. We aim to create a stimulating environment which reflects our values and promotes a sense of self worth .It provides a broad, balanced and creative curriculum that combines excellence in teaching with enjoyment of learning.


At IES Public School, Senior Secondary students are prepared to get into the best university across India and the


Social Science
Physical Education
Value Education
Computer Science


Physics Lab

Chemistry Lab

Biology Lab

The school has well equipped Physics, Chemistry and Biology laboratories, which conform to the National Curriculum Framework. Apart from this our labs are equipped with the advanced experimental techniques used by the Senior Secondary students for their projects. Science labs have been given a central and a distinctive role in science education. Science facilitators in our institution feel that there are rich benefits in learning by doing.

Parents Testimonial

I am sending my children from Sehore to Bhopal IES Public School because I am influenced by the facilities and care given here. The infra structure and academic part is also wonderful. I really like the way this school is raising. It will definitely be a rising star.
This is the school where my daughter is studying and growing excellently. Thank you so much for the staff's support and hard work.
